(keitai-l) Re: smartphones

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 12/12/05
Message-Id: <51CA616C-8E38-45ED-B9C4-39C63A81D6F6@kyushu.com>
Perhaps when the list is done with picking over the bones of "smart- 
phone" (I agree with cjs@cynic.net  that it is a marketing term  
(delineating the top end of what is currently available) - but none  
the worse for that, and  with bvolk@bonusmobile.com that currently it  
references something akin to what he described...)

but what - (Gerhard-sama, are you paying attention?) - is a "feature  


(para 3)


PS - whatever happened to the "bone phone"?

Received on Mon Dec 12 20:01:25 2005