So it's a classification of OSs.
Finally a definition that could make sense.
So what are the criteria for a smart-OS versus a dumb-OS?
Why only Symbian, MS, Palm or Linux. What about the other OSs?
RIM/Backberry is only for 2G, does not work on 3G. Not very advanced.
Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
P.A.N. wrote:
> IDC defines a converged mobile device (in other words a smartphone?) as a
> device that combines mobile WAN telephony with either an HLOS such as
> Symbian, Windows Mobile/Windows CE, Palm OS, or Linux. RIM-branded devices
> are also included in this category.
> So, HLOS (high level os) seems to be a defining element in judging whether
> the phone is smart or not.
> Aleksey
> On 12/7/05, Gerhard Fasol <> wrote:
>>One thing I am also puzzled with:
>>What exactly is the dictionary-type/logic definition of
>>a "smartphone"?
>>Definition A:
>>A smartphone is a phone which runs Symbian or MS, but
>>not any other operating system...
>>Defintion B:
>>A smartphone is a phone which contains PIM, desktop
>>applications, picture editing, and the following
>>specific software:
>>Definition C:
>>A smartphone is a phone which allows syncinc with a
>>Microsoft Windows PC?
>>Does anybody have a good definition which stands up
>>to discussion?
>>Nick May wrote:
>>>Another issue is that a smaller percentage of JP handsets are
>>>smartphones than is the case in the UK (I think - no figures),
>>Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
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