Shannon Jacobs <> writes:
> > From: Nick May <>
> > Subject: Re: WillCom and Opera
> > Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 23:11:00 +0900
> >
> > Can you be more specific?
> > what do you want to happen that isn't?
> Most recently, I tried to access the phone version of the ALC dictionary.
> The recommended procedure is to register your email address and they will
> send you the appropriate URL, supposedly tailored for your phone. As is
> typically the case with keitei email address input in Japan, the email
> address is entered with a chooser, but WillCom is typically not included as
> a choosable option. In this specific instance, they also included a QR code,
> which I quickly decoded with my old Sanyo. However, when I tried to use it,
> I got nothing. Just a blank screen. So I tried it with a regular browser,
> and was able to get a better look at what was going on (though the results
> were still null), and it certainly appeared that they were querying my phone
> to decide whether or not to send me anything--and the answer was not.
> So can anyone recommend an alternative to ALC that actually will work with
> my Kyocera?
You might try Tangotown -
If it doesn't work, I think I might be able to put you in touch
with somebody at Enfour (the company that runs the site). Or, I
would guess that there must be somebody from Enfour on this list
Tangotown provides kanji lookup and a whole lot of other things
than just their online dictionary. As far as the dictionary
itself, it doesn't have the abunance of usage examples that Eijiro
(ALC) provides, but it does have some other things that Eijiro
lacks. For example, the ability to look up words by their kana
readings (instead of just by exact kanji match, as Eijiro is
currently limited to). It also does "fuzzy" searching, so it can
often find a word even if it is missing some characters. For
example, if you type in とうきょ (toukyo) instead of とうきょう
(toukyou) for 東京 (the city Tokyo).
Michael Smith
Received on Fri Dec 9 04:56:03 2005