Japanese postal codes represent a postal address block with most
mapping systems (Alps, etc.) placing you at the center of the block.
The center can be thrown off when the block includes a wide river or
body of water along its border.
On Nov 29, 2005, at 13:34, Mr. Eric Hildum wrote:
> Your first step will be to check if Japanese postal codes really do
> correspond to geographic regions. Even in the US, they do not
> actually indicate geographic regions, thus any application that
> depends on them will definitely have problems. While you have success
> with the first three digits, the next few are assigned in a number of
> different ways.
> (In the US, the zip code actually designate sorting centers, not
> locations. The codes assigned to a location may not correspond to the
> geographically closest center, and many codes have no meaningful
> location at all.)
> Eric Hildum
> eric.hildum@mobileplay.com
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Received on Fri Dec 2 07:13:09 2005