(keitai-l) does phone call interrupt web session?

From: johan Faux <johanfaux_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 11/26/05
Message-ID: <20051126204817.46817.qmail@web31412.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Hello everybody,
  I'm developing an e-mode site for wireless users in Japan and I have some questions:
  1. Suppose an i-mode user is surfing my i-mode site with his phone. Somewhere I have an tel: link. My question is: If user click the "tel:" link to make a call, what happened with his "web session".  Can he return back on the same web-page after finishing the call?
  2. A similar question: I have a couple of pages for the user to register. Somewhere during the registration process, I expect user to upload his picture. I have crated a mailto:xxxx@... link so that user will use his e-mail to send picture to a certain e-mail address. My question is: After user open his e-mail program and send the e-mail with the attachment, is he going to be back to my page again or that session is lost already
  Thank you for your time,
  P.S I have never used an i-mode phone; sorry if the questions are basic :(
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