On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Alex Shinn wrote:
> Another strategy some sites use is to let the user create a login page
> with their ID information when they first signup/login, and then have
> them bookmark that page or add it to their favorites
The "favourites" thing you're referring to is a "screen memo," I assume.
(Though that's a bit tricky, if I recall correctly, for Docomo, they
have 気に入り which are bookmarks, and メモ which are screen memos; Vodafone
has ブックマーク which are bookmarks and 気に入り which are screen memos.)
The bookmark thing is not an option for us unless it leads to a page
asking for a password, since I a) don't want users to be able to send
links containing authentication credentials, and b) I don't want
authentication credentials in the server access logs. But screen memo,
yeah, that works, assuming you can train the users.
I've more or less worked out the whole slew of options for this kind of
stuff; I'll try to do a write-up for the keitai-dev wiki in the next
couple of weeks.
Curt Sampson <cjs@cynic.net> +81 90 7737 2974
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Received on Thu Oct 13 04:54:31 2005