The versions of DoJa available outside Japan are DoJa 1.5oe and 2.5oe
(oe = overeas edition). DoJa 3.5 is a specification for Japan and not
available abroad. However, the difference between DoJa 2.5oe and 3.5
is not that big. If your IM application doesn't use a specific 3.5
feature, it might run on DoJa 2.5oe.
On 10/10/05, Maria Dyatlova <> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> the reason I am asking, our IM+ Instant Messenger currently works only
> on DoJa 3.5 and up and we're waiting till some operator outside Japan
> starts supporting it. Does anybody know if somewhere outside Japan DoJa 3.5 is
> already launched?
[ excessive quoting removed by moderator ]
Received on Tue Oct 11 14:30:57 2005