It is slightly surprising they are going mainstream in keitai first -
one would have thought notebook computers would be an easier target
(being bigger) and where the demand would be. Apple would be an
obvious first customer.
Is there much evidence that consumers are currently concerned about
battery times? I know bluetooth guzzles power...
Or is it that there is a whole raft of tech in the wings that is too
hungry for power to be implemented with current batteries?
In other words, is this primarily fixing a current problem, or is it
all about "new stuff"?
Having google earth on a keitai would be fun, but would take some
In fact, I am surprised Google have not done more with keitai - they
seem to be slowly sewing up the "desktop", despite the best efforts
of Microsoft - but for many people their keitai IS their "desktop".
I suppose the AJAX powered stuff is so javascript heavy that it would
need more oomph than a keitai can provide. (For an example of just
how CPU intensive AJAX powered sites can be, play with Zimbra
( for a while. (All good clean fun - but slows
Firefox 1.5 to a crawl). It is also a different paradigm - they are
specializing in implementing the "desktop" on the web, which has no
direct application to keitai.
Or maybe in the US keitai are always supplementary to desktops, and
google don't realise that what they do to put the desktop on the web
is just irrelevant to many users in Asia, for whom the keitai is the
primary means of access to web services.
Received on Mon Oct 3 17:14:18 2005