What technology are DoCoMo using in their Mobile TV offering which has just
been announced?
Here in the UK the two technologies which are currently being trialled are:
- DVB-H which is a mobile version of the popular DVB standard used for
both satellite and terrestrial broadcasting - there is currently no
frequency assigned in the spectrum for this service
- a video enhancement of the digital radio standard, DAB which has
frequencies assigned and is a "version" of the solution implemented in South
Also the Qualcomm (of CDMA fame) have their home brewed technology called
MEDIA-FLO which they have bought frequency for in the US. I can't see being
implemented in the UK untill at least the analogue TV has been turned off in
2008/12 which will free up quite a lot of spectrum. This may also be the
fate awaiting DVB-H.
We have MobileTV implemented but this is a streaming service over W-CDMA
frequencies and is a unicast solution which will not scale for the mass
Received on Thu Sep 29 10:28:46 2005