(keitai-l) IM+ DoJa has been released

From: Maria Dyatlova <maria_at_shapeservices.com>
Date: 08/29/05
Message-ID: <1261621011.20050829181644@shapeservices.com>
Dear friends,

At last, after a long beta testing process (Many thanks to Naty and
Peter who helped us a lot!) we have created our i-mode site
for IM+ Instant Messenger.

What is IM+? It is a chat client for communication within ICQ, AOL,
MSN, Yahoo and Jabber networks. IM+ offers unlimited IM with no cost per
message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.

The site URL for phones is imode.shapeservices.com
The web page is http://www.shapeservices.com/eng/im/DOJA

Everybody who wants to take it for distribution are welcome.
As far as we know, for the present moment it is a unique IM service in the i-mode world.

Currently the service is oriented to Japanese phones (DoJa 3.5 and up). We're going
to translate it into Japanese (and to all European languages). If somebody can help
us with translation to Japanese, please contact me, this would be very much appreciated
(and of course free licences for you and your friends will be given :)

Many thanks all of you for your feedback,
and sorry for little noise in this group :-)

Best regards,
Maria Dyatlova

Alliance Manager
SHAPE Services
Received on Mon Aug 29 18:17:01 2005