(keitai-l) Re: Tu-Ka

From: Gerhard Fasol <g.fasol_at_ieee.org>
Date: 08/25/05
Message-ID: <430D718C.40701@ieee.org>

I don't think anybody knows this officially,
but my personal guess is that KDDI will
move all TuKa users to CDMA2000 and switch
off TuKa's PDC network sooner or later.
They did this before. The reason is that
PDC is controlled by NTT - their No. 1
competitor. Sounds logic, no?

 > Are they going to start using AU's XHTML->HDML gateway?
 > If so, problem solved.

My guess is: yes. But not tomorrow, I guess this will
be phased over a couple of years.


Curt Sampson wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, Gerhard Fasol wrote:
>>TuKa will be merged into AU.
> Are they going to start using AU's XHTML->HDML gateway? If so, problem solved.
Gerhard Fasol, PhD                          Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
http://fasol.com/                       http://www.eurotechnology.com/
g.fasol@ieee.org                              fasol@eurotechnology.com
Received on Thu Aug 25 10:21:52 2005