Hola Keitai-L -
I'm an old contributor to these lists, when I lived in Japan and
wrote about mobile for TheFeature.com (now sadly shuttered). I'm
currently studying Interactive Media, including mobile phones and
video games, at the University of Southern California. Drop me a
line if you're ever in town here! I'll be in Tokyo for the upcoming
September Tokyo Game Show.
Anyhow, I'm writing now to mention a brilliant new book that's come
out, that should be of use to you:
Personal, Portable, Pedestrian : Mobile Phones in Japanese Life
by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, Misa Matsuda
These folks have gathered and translated a dozen or so essays on
keitai, tracking their history, their proliferation, the user
adaptation of new technologies, and the social impact of these devices.
The research was all done by Japanese academics, people who had the
time to ask the questions and do the research that I didn't as a
journalist. They interviewed and recorded the mobile phone use of
families, of teenagers, of business people.
I read the book after I'd already spent years summarizing these
things, based on anecdotes and cursory research. There's a lot of
depth in this book, for folks who want to tell stories or understand
the context of mobile media in Japan.
I'll include a link for more information on the book below:
My keitai-L email is coming through intermittently (broken
SpamAssassin), so if I'm late to a discussion in progress, pardon me
- this is a juicy tome that folks here would dig.
Justin Hall
Received on Tue Aug 23 09:17:21 2005