Have anyone tried to explore the bandwidth of Vodafone.jp's MMS?
found any limitations or hit any thresholds.
I'm afraid that Vodafone.jp invested too little in its infrastructure.
compare the money spent in the FOMA network with the VGS network, and
compare DoCoMo's Kawasaki center with Vodafone.jp's Ikebukuro center.
it's like Manhattan vs Brooklyn.
I like MMS. I'm more a fan of WAP but after VGS switched to
"pure WAP", many mobile sites display an alert message in red like
"content not designed for Vodafone 3G". what would you call it?
someone shoot himself in the foot?
> DoCoMo's ... will avoid as much as possible to compete on price.
Vodafone.jp used to be the same when they were called J-Phone.
for those who can read Japanese, you may have noticed a Vodafone
ads in JR trains, I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it,
which reads "it doesn't matter any more whether it's Vodafone or not!"
maybe they wanted to say they could compete with au/KDDI and DoCoMo
now, ... or did they mean that Vodafone is a brand of negative value?
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Received on Tue Jun 28 17:03:46 2005