> I confess ... that I am not very familiarized of
> what are the fares of keitai e-mails ... in Japan
The trend in Japan is to have a fixed fee data package,
which costs about YEN 4000/month = EURO 30/month and
includes unlimeted data, including unlimited emails
with attachments at 2.4Mbps (AU) and 384kbps (DoCoMo, Vod).
All heavy users in Japan have fixed fee data packages,
and for them emails, picture-emails, web-brousing
is all included at zero extra charge without any limit at all.
So I can send you 100 emails with 3 Megapixel color pictures
to your PC in Spain every day from my mobile phone here
in Japan and it costs me exactly zero in fees.
Obviously this destroys the past business model of
mobile operators: even if I send 1000 times more
emails with pictures every day, they don't earn a yen
more, but must install a lot more equipment to cope with
the traffic.
That's why carriers are now developing new business models
to replace the current traffice based business model.
I gave a talk on these issues recently to the global
Mobile Payment Forum, and you can find this here:
Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
http://fasol.com/blog/ http://www.eurotechnology.com/
Received on Thu Jun 16 09:32:37 2005