(keitai-l) Re: keitai monitoring

From: Aaron Stephanic <astephan_at_cs.kent.edu>
Date: 06/09/05
Message-ID: <42A79B6C.2070406@cs.kent.edu>
Curt Sampson wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Aaron Stephanic wrote:
>>These are good ideas.  I browsed through the DoJa 2.5 API and it looks
>>like there's a way to launch the browser with a given (http/https) URL.
>> There's also a way to launch another applet.  I didn't see anything
>>for mail however.  The built-in mail application isn't an applet is it?
> The standard mail application is part of the system software. However,
> i-appli DX phones (505i and later) generally come with a "character
> mail" or similar i-appli that uses the standard system mailboxes to
> some extent, but presents a new interface. Were you looking at the DX
> documentation?

I'm not familiar with i-appli DX.  I was just looking at the 
documentation here:

Any clues about AU or Vodafone.  Does BREW allow access to more 
information on the phone for example?


Received on Thu Jun 9 04:29:22 2005