(keitai-l) Re: keitai monitoring

From: Nik Frengle <nfrengle_at_gmail.com>
Date: 06/07/05
Message-ID: <42A5990E.6000101@gmail.com>
Curt Sampson wrote:

> It's just the standard billing information for your calls and packet

Oi vey! I have been working on mobile billing systems for the past some 
months, and can say with certainty that this is non-trivial, though 
obviously not what Aaron is after.
Aaron, from my understanding of Vodafone and DoCoMo's Java profiles 
(DoJa, and VFX, and JSCL, together with MIDP for Vodafone), there is no 
way for you to access the information that you would like to.  It 
*might* be possible to use the suspension of machiuke (for example, when 
a phone call comes in), to calculate some of what you want, but there 
would be a heavy amount of guesswork involved, I think.
Hope this helped a little.
Received on Tue Jun 7 15:54:26 2005