As I previously mentioned, NK702 is not 702NK.
NK702 is known to be un*ockable, while 702NK is not.
On Fri, 27 May 2005 20:39:40 +0900
nick may <> wrote:
> I am sufficiently cautious of the service such companies offer to post
> the URL below in non-google-friendly form.... (I got it off a google ad
> on The Reg.)
> www dot freeyourphones dot com
> I note the NK702 (702NK I assume...) is referred to in the pulldown, as
> is VodaJP...
> Has anyone tried this? Did it work? How unrockable is the 702NK?
> Nick
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Arnold P. Siboro (
Work is the greatest thing in the world, so save some for tomorrow.
Received on Sat May 28 15:54:34 2005