(keitai-l) Re: KDDI/au and mass mailing

From: Clemens Schwaighofer <cs_at_tequila.co.jp>
Date: 05/24/05
Message-ID: <4292E05C.2050202@tequila.co.jp>
On 05/24/2005 12:32 PM, Curt Sampson wrote:
> On Mon, 23 May 2005, Clemens Schwaighofer wrote:
>>There are special contracts for vodafone and docomo, but when I tried to
>>get one for KDDI (au) they said, there is nothing and there is no
>>restriction on their mailserver, which is plain wrong.
> What kind of restrictions or problems have you seen?
> I've been doing mass mailings to all three. I've never had a problem
> with KDDI. I had a problem with Docomo on one server, but not another.
> (I've got a contract now with them anyway.) J-Phone has always been slow
> to accept my mail, but it all eventually gets through. (I should probably
> get a contract there, too--I didn't know they had one.)
well, after ~100 mails I can't send anything and the ezweb mail server
blocks me. I had the same issues with docomo and vodafone. Docomo
especially if you send a lot of "550" users.

But with both of them we have contracts which gives us unlimitted access.

Except KDDI, with which it doesn't work. Even if I just send 100 mails
and then wait 1h, I still get blocked after some time. This is really

[ Clemens Schwaighofer                      -----=====:::::~ ]
[ TEQUILA\ Japan IT Group                                    ]
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[ http://www.tequila.co.jp                                   ]

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