(keitai-l) Mobile Monday LA - May - gaming

From: alistair jeffs <alistair007_at_gmail.com>
Date: 05/13/05
Message-ID: <7bdf78dd050512170534c5a083@mail.gmail.com>
In celebration of the E3 invasion, Mobile Monday LA is focusing on
gaming and development this month. It's this Monday, May 16th and
starts at 7pm.

Presenters will be: 

Ameet Shah from Tira Wireless

William Volk from Bonus Mobile Entertainment

Rich Labarca from Tomo Software

There might even be a carrier there altho' he'll be European. Hope you
can make it. Further details can be found at

Alistair Jeffs
Mobile Monday LA
Received on Fri May 13 03:05:36 2005