On Sat, 16 Apr 2005, D_C wrote:
> Does anyone know of listings for which phones accept which character
> encodings? its my understanding that almost all the phones are S-JIS
> only, tho a few here and there may support unicode.
> is this header passed both by kddi and docomo gateways?
I have no idea if the header is passed or not, but keep in mind that
this is not just an issue with the phones: the gateways also do
character set translation.
I have a few slightly oldish phones (P504i, AU 1011-something-or-other,
J10-something-or-other) that I use for testing at work, as sort of a
quick sample of phones that are still in use but not cutting edge. All
three of them will accept e-mail in ISO-2022-JP and UTF-8; neither the
Docomo nor the J-Phone will render UTF-8 web pages.
I find this very annoying.
Curt Sampson <cjs@cynic.net> +81 90 7737 2974
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Received on Sun Apr 17 10:00:00 2005