(keitai-l) QR Codes iAppli for non QR Code phones?

From: Jason Fields <jason_at_air-port.com>
Date: 03/04/05
Message-Id: <fd94225a9881ba0894b0f09497536309@air-port.com>
Hello Keitai-L,
I just recently acquired a Vodafone 802se. I was curious about QR Code  
support. I read on the Vodafone site that one of the only 3G phones  
from their new line to support QR Codes built in is the Vodafone802N...  
Is there an iAppli out there to allow QR Code support for other  
Vodafone handsets, like my 802se?

Jason Fields.

Jason Fields		    	                        jason@air-port.com
Information Architecture / User Experience / Mobile Content

343 S. Burnside Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036

+1.310.384.9396 t610				aim: fasonista
Received on Fri Mar 4 06:02:45 2005