Virgil - answers below:
Virgil wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some questions regarding 3G.
> First, does the user have to per. packet download like the original
> Docomo Imode model?
No, not necessarily. All three 3G carriers in Japan have fixed
fee plans, which give you unlimited data.
> Secondly, what if video is streamed into their 3G cellphones? How does
> streamed information affect pricing?
I don't understand your question. Streamed video does not affect the
pricing of other usage - at present there is no cross-usage discount
there. For DoCoMo streamed video is a different video circuit connection
price independently of other usage.
Video mpeg downloads however are included in the monthly package if you
have one.
> Thirdly, does all 3G cellphones (FOMA & AU) have the ability to view
> streaming videos if its streamed real time?
> I know these questions are pretty rudimentary. Thank you for taking the
> time to answer them if you can.
Not rudimentary at all. By the way, we have a report about 3G in
Japan which explains all of this in detail:
Best wishes - and good luck!
Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
Received on Thu Feb 24 19:00:48 2005