I believe you can do streaming to 3G keitai through video phone feature.
Eg, NTT offers the service to stream your video to their FOMA handphones.
Ironically, this often quoted 3G keitai feature is not based on packet
switching, it uses 64Kbps circuit switching. So there is no way to
stream from public internet, I believe.
Search for "3G-324M" for more about this. That's the protocol used for
this video phone feature.
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 11:34:47 +0900
Richard Ollier <r.ollier@tequila.co.jp> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Have you ever done video streaming on Keitai ?
> What are the actual technologies and requirements ?
> Do you know companies that provide that type of services in Japan ?
> Thanks a lot for your help !
> Richard
> This mail was sent to address asiboro@maltech.ne.jp
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Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.ne.jp)
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
-- Albert Einstein
Received on Thu Jan 27 07:15:54 2005