how does gapu resolve to 501...?
INSERT INTO z VALUES ('gapu', '{''55'', ''02'', ''12''}')
or have I misunderstood something...
why bother to store the kana at all (except for speed) when you can
work back from it from your sort codes... 5 2 2 are just co-ordinates
in a multidimensional array. (It would make the example tricky to
understand, admittedly...) It would be "3byte sortable kana"... 50%
more space. Not a bad tradeoff, for sortability.
looks quite useful actually - I will have to do this soon...
> On Jan 14, 2005, at 7:18 PM, Curt Sampson wrote:
> Thoughts?
Received on Fri Jan 14 17:07:19 2005