There are only three methods implemented in Throwable in CLDC 1.0 and 1.1:
All the rest are inherited from Object.
The only relevant trick I know is something I'm sure you're already aware of:
Add "AppTrace = on" to your JAM file so your stack trace will show up
in the app log on the phone.
Sam Joseph <> wrote:
> Hi Keitat-l'ers,
> So I'm working on a unit test package for Doja phones and I'm trying to
> get the results of the unit-tests sent back over the wire. I've managed
> to do this on the emulator at least, but now I'm trying to send back the
> output of the printStackTrace() operations - that most useful of
> debugging information.
> However it seems that CLDC 1.0 at least is of no help here since the
> printStackTrace() operations cannot point anywhere except System.err and
> System.err is final. CLDC 1.1 looks no different.
> I guess that means there is no way to redirect that output at all ...
> Any ideas on ways round this?
> Many thanks in advance.
Received on Fri Jan 7 07:56:59 2005