(keitai-l) time outs on doja http connections

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 12/22/04
Message-ID: <41C8F999.5030107@yha.att.ne.jp>
Hi All,

I wondered if anyone had any tips on setting timeouts for http 
connections on docomo phones.  It seems pretty easy to request timeout 
exceptions to be thrown:

javax.microedition.io.Connector.open("myurl", Connector.READ_WRITE, true);

This last boolean allegedly registering our interest in receiving 
timeout exceptions.

However the docomo emulators appear to ignore this switch and thus there 
seems little option but to implement one's own timeout handling code if 
you want to set the HTTP connection timeout at some particular value.

I wondered if anybody had had any experience of implementing timeout 
handling, knew the timeout settings for some of the different handsets, 
or could point out something I am missing.

You can see an example of the kind of external timeout handling code I 
am thinking of here:

Many thanks in advance.

Received on Wed Dec 22 06:36:39 2004