> I have a question about premium priced SMS.
> I know SMS is not widely used in Japan...
"SMS is not widely used" is an exageration... actually SMS is almost
not used at all in Japan, except for some SPAM.
> but I was wondering if premium-priced SMS can be used in Japan?
Sure you/HP can try to introduce premium priced SMS in Japan, if
you have the budget to roll this out, or if you can pursuade someone
to introduce it. Vodafone-Japan would probably be a candidate to try.
However, the judge are the consumers/customers. They will decide if
they want to use such a system or not.
> If not, what payment is used when somebody want to use these one
> time transactions payments?
If you have an official site, you can make such arrangements with
the carrier in some cases. However you'll need to convince the carrier.
Otherwise, membership accounts and credit card payments are used a lot.
> Also, I would like to know, where I can get some info about
> 3G services in Japan and Korea? I haven't searched in the
> Internet yet, but I thought some of you guys might have
> better info about this :)
Yes, we publish a 220 pages 3G report, which many carriers,
equipment makers, high-tech venture firms buy, and we regularly
update this report:
we have a free trial version of a few pages of this report here:
Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
Received on Tue Dec 14 17:32:05 2004