(keitai-l) Re: JAVA shortcut

From: Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro_at_maltech.ne.jp>
Date: 12/02/04
Message-Id: <20041202120259.3BC5.ASIBORO@maltech.ne.jp>
IMHO the fact is BREW is like an OS, while Java is a virtual machine. So
naturally, Java is to sit on top of BREW. If I am not mistaken IBM made
such Java VM. I just wish KDDI provides such thing on their handsets,
since being given a choice of BREW --OR-- Java is a difficult situation.

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:42:29 +0900 (JST)
paul@thetamusic.com wrote:

>    As for KDDI it looks like they've been with Qualcomm too long.  They are dropping Java altogether and going for BREW.  Whether that's good or bad ... well that's a hard one.
>    I for one don't dislike BREW but there's too much marketing material in their documentation.  It drives me mad!  All I read is BREW is great, BREW is wonderful... but its torture just to find out how to build a C++ app in BREW, if you happen to not wish to make one in C.  (Or anything else for that matter).  It took forever to find out how to resize bitmaps (etc etc).  I had to read lots of docs constantly marketing BREW to find every little bit of technical info.
> At least Java docs don't say, Sun is wonderful, Java is your friend... blah blah blah...
> --
> paul@thetamusic.com
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Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.ne.jp)

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Received on Thu Dec 2 05:06:52 2004