(keitai-l) Re: iAppli for frequently updated stock quotes

From: D. Dimitrov <dimiter_at_blue-edge.bg>
Date: 11/24/04
Message-ID: <41A3E698.8050802@blue-edge.bg>
In addition to this, the connection could be established only to the 
host that the appli was downloaded from, on ports 80 and 443 (on 443 the 
content MUST be http over ssl, otherwise at least some handsets crash.)

The latency is in all cases more than 0.5s so 10ms update rate is 

-- dimiter

Yenwen Feng wrote:

>I dont know much about i-appli, but as far as I know, all you have is
>HTTP connection.
>Other then i-appli, the socket connection is supported by most of the
>MIDP 2.0 phones. (Moto, SE, Nokia)
>Update every 10ms, ... mmm ... , even faster than screen refresh rate.
>On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 14:09:23 +0530, Nikhil Mungikar
><nikhil@fideltech.com> wrote:
>>Server for this project is a streaming server which will push the data after
>>every say 10 ms.
>>Do anyboday have idea how to aprroach for the development of this project.
>>One thing is clear in my mind is i have to use iAplli not midlet or other
>>browser based application.
Received on Wed Nov 24 03:39:45 2004