There's a linux distro called Devil Linux that runs off cd, and it looks for
your config and data on a USB key or floppy. If you're 1337 you can customize
the CD with your own stuff, like the JDK and eclipse, which is what i'd like
to do someday when I get the time. The point is you can run your own env on
any pc, just carry around the cd and the usb key. And when the USB's get big
enough, and I'm thinking the current 1GB ones would be, you can just that, and
can use any distro you want (that'll fit). That's mobile geek love. Just plug
your USB into that crippled kiosk pc and reboot to get it to submit to your
evil schemes. Muahahah.
--- nick may <> wrote:
> Why carry around a whole box when it is just an environment and
> personal files one needs? If it were made simple enough - and plug and
> play enough - I think it would be a useful addition to a phone....
> Nick
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Received on Sat Oct 16 02:41:35 2004