> Are there any concrete numbers on KDDI's non-XHTML browsers
> still in use? Would love to develop only for the newer
> XHTML KDDI handsets, but would have to justify it in
> hard proof to clients...
I have compiled some data on DoCoMo. 14% of DoCoMo subscribers are
FOMA users, and they generate nearly 60% of Web access traffic.
the PDC 506, 505, and 504 handsets contribute about 30%, and all
the others 10% (252: 3.4%, 251: 5.8%, 213-209: 0.9%, 503-501 0.6%).
my rule of thumb is you don't have to worry about handsets more
than 30 months old. I'm not sure about the exact date but au/KDDI
handsets have being supporting WAP 2.0 XHTML since spring 2002.
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Received on Wed Oct 13 13:19:39 2004