On 2004 Aug 30, , at 13:50, camacho21203@yonden.co.jp wrote:
> When I try
> to open the vcf card in Windows, it opens but no data appears. I
> haven't
> tried Mac OS X.
I have been able to transfer vCards between mobiles (Vodafone, AU,
DoCoMo) with OS X without a problem. Some things to watch out for:
1. Mobiles usually save version 2.1 vCards (Shift-JIS) so you need to
make sure any contact software you use exports in this format.
2. Export your contacts as individual vCards as opposed to a single
vCard. Most mobiles cannot handle multiple contacts in a single vCard.
3. Prepare to lose some contact fields depending on the sophistication
of your new mobile.
You should also consider entering an alternate reality where Japanese
mobiles all support Bluetooth and the SyncML standard ;)
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Received on Mon Aug 30 10:25:53 2004