(keitai-l) Re: W21S

From: nick may <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 08/27/04
Message-Id: <D366A902-F7DA-11D8-AC7B-00039377A93A@kyushu.com>
Ken, this IS a bit rich coming from you - you are well known on the 
list for your repeated negative remarks about Docomo and i-mode.

We gather you have worked for Docomo in some capacity, but we have 
never been clear as to how that relationship ended.

Frengle's working for Vodafone is no secret, he maintains admirable 
impartiality and, unlike you, does not give the impression of having an 
axe to grind.

So - pot, kettle, black, methinks.


On Aug 27, 2004, at 12:30 AM, Ken Chang wrote:

> I don't know what Mike is thinking but I would like to talk here
> "academically" or as an individual instead of taking positions of
> the companies I work for.  of course we should do the best what
> we are paid for, for DoCoMo today, or for Vodafone.jp tomorrow.
Received on Fri Aug 27 06:40:30 2004