(keitai-l) Re: World Standards (was W21S)

From: Frengle, Nik, VF-JP <nik.frengle_at_vodafone.com>
Date: 08/27/04
Message-ID: <67EA1F678C9E0446978FEB829F643DCC0245BBF2@VFJPOTM-WIEX002.intra.j-phone.com>
>I don't know what Mike is thinking but I would like to talk here 
>"academically" or as an individual instead of taking positions of 
>the companies I work for.  

My name is Nik, and I am not sure what you mean. If you have a look at any of my previous posts, I have never been overly partisan.  In this case, I truly think that there is a lot to be said for using world standards.  The customers realize a clear benefit of anytime, anywhere use, and adopting this standard, and implementing it, unlike au or NTT DoCoMo, in a standard way, provides us a clear advantage in the marketplace.  That we have not been able to leverage this advantage previously is an issue you and others have commented on in the past, but as a long-term strategy I think that it is solid, and that in the long run Vodafone K.K. will be able to use this strategy to provide better value to our customers.  If that is partisan, so be it, but whether I worked for this company or not would not change my view. Any contributions that I make to this list are my own and do not reflect the views of my company. If I ever suggested they were otherwise, please excuse me.  
I began posting from my company mail account so that it was clear what my affiliation was, because I respect the members of this list, and wanted to be very up front about what context to take my comments in.  As an employee of Vodafone K.K. there are clearly certain things I can and can't talk about.  I have a confidentiality agreement with my company, and must respect that.
In the spirit of self-examination, I took a look at my previous six posts, and here is the result:
 (keitai-l) Re: question on FOMA: A reasonably significant contribution to this list, if I do say so.  I explained the technologies being used in Foma and VF Global Standard video telephony handsets.  Far from being partisan, I actually mention significant limitations on our current implementations of this technology.
(keitai-l) Re: question on FOMA: A follow-up to my previous mail, in which I also mention a possible limitation of our handset.
(keitai-l) Re: i-Mode push technology: I give basic advice to someone about developing for i-mode: Hardly the position of my company.
(keitai-l) Re: Connect imode phone to pc/server: Again, I explain a competitors product and technology, though I mention Vodafone K.K.'s product, surrounding it with the <shameless_plug> tag.  
(keitai-l) Re: i-Mode push Technology: An explanation that was mostly about binary files in i-mode mail, but at the end I responded to your snide comments about our British parent turning Vodafone K.K. into TuKa.
(keitai-l) Re: i-Mode push Technology: A further response to your comments about Softbank acquiring Vodafone K.K. This was actually valuable information to anyone really interested.

If I had said half so many nice things about Vodafone as you have about au, and half as many negative things about CDMA as you have about WCDMA, I might understand where this is coming from. That is not, however, the case.

What is your affiliation, Ken? I have never been very clear on that, despite having explicitly asked on at least one occasion. I am clear on where I work, so you can take what I say in context. What is the context of your comments, Ken?

>of course we should do the best what 
>we are paid for, for DoCoMo today, or for Vodafone.jp tomorrow. 

Don't know if you are talking about me, but I have never worked for DoCoMo, and Vodafone are not paying me to say nice things about their company, but to manage projects that benefit the company and hopefully the customers.  Perhaps you are speaking about our new president?

Best Regards,
Received on Fri Aug 27 04:28:14 2004