Ken Chang wrote:
>>Nobody uses pagers or SMS etc in Japan.
> it's true that DoCoMo PDC network doesn't have SMS,
> the claim is wrong for FOMA, au/KDDI, and networks.
I would be very interested in the market share of SMS in
Japan, if you can provide that it would be a useful
contribution to this discussion.
It is no good stating how fantastic SMS is, and
how bad DoCoMo's imode email is.
If you would make a statement like:
xx% of messages in Japan is DoCoMo's i-mode email.
xx% of messages in Japan is DoCoMo's FOMA-SMS
xx% of messages in Japan is AU's email.
xx% of messages in Japan are Vodafone's long email
xx% of messages in Japan are Vodafone's SMS
that would be a useful contribution to the discussion.
Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
Received on Mon Aug 9 06:16:42 2004