(keitai-l) Re: i-Mode push technology

From: Ken Chang <carigate_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 08/04/04
Message-ID: <20040804074414.5920.qmail@web13125.mail.yahoo.com>
the "true push" as we understand for the rest of the world, 
is possible but over DoCoMo PDC networks because of the design 
of i-mode mail (over IP).  this means push is not possible to 
the majority of Japanese customers. 

DoJa 2 which came with 504i handsets corrected a design 
failure of its early version (by copying the J-Phone design) 
and made possible a Java program running in the background. 

it's more costly than push but because the DoCoMo PDC network 
is offloaded to the FOMA network, we can expect better 2G 
services, ... if the packet charge falls and DoCoMo hurts. 

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Received on Wed Aug 4 10:44:18 2004