> I am new to i-appli application development. I am using a Doja emulator for
> developing an i-appli application.
> I am unable to preverify the classes from command line .
To automate things a bit I use:
and then set preverify=true in my build file.
I am not sure if there is an ant set of task targeted specifically towards Doja or not. I just ended up modifying the source of antenna to do as I wish and like doing it that way so with one command:
ant -f name_of_midlet
I can do all the building, preverifying, packaging, archiving, and deploying, that is necessary, pick up my mobile and get the app.
Sheepishly I must say the details of preverifying I have forgot...
Karma is immutable, so act accordingly!
Received on Tue Aug 3 11:37:07 2004