(keitai-l) Re: Which Os in the FOMA Japanese phones?

From: Kristan D. Rivers <kristan.rivers_at_kayakinteractive.com>
Date: 07/09/04
Message-ID: <BD1464D4.1891%kristan.rivers@kayakinteractive.com>
Have any of the handset manufacturers (or DoCoMo) made any statement
regarding the future of FOMA OS's? Will TRON continue beyond the current
generation of FOMA handsets (among others) or is the indication that Linux
or Symbian will become the specified OS for future releases?


On 7/7/04 4:26 pm, " D__C " <dc@wm.namco.co.jp> wrote:

> But the Fujitsu device is based on Symbian, (although closed off, it is
> still symbian at the core).
> What is the NEC/Panasonic joint development? SOmething like a Series60
> UI layer that sits on top of TRON for their foma devices? The UI looks
> remarkably similar (tho more NEC than Pana, unfortunately imho).
> /dc
Received on Fri Jul 9 09:06:06 2004