>>Bad for operators because it reduces revenues... In Japan it's flat-rate data now, so compression only slows things down, but does not make any change for flat-fee-all-you-can-eat data. I think these packet compression things will die, as soon as flat-fee data become standard, as on the high-end in Japan now. Gerhard --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K. fasol_at_eurotechnology.com http://www.eurotechnology.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Find us in "IBM developerWorks" and in "Chemical & Engineering News": http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/wireless/library/wi-elite8.html http://pubs.acs.org/cen/topstory/8049/8049bus1.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------Received on Wed Jun 30 20:30:38 2004