(keitai-l) Re: Nerw Opera Mobile porxy based broowser

From: Gerhard Fasol <fasol_at_eurotechnology.com>
Date: 06/30/04
Message-ID: <40E2F8BB.6080504@eurotechnology.com>
>>Bad for operators because it reduces revenues... 

In Japan it's flat-rate data now, so compression only slows
things down, but does not make any change for
flat-fee-all-you-can-eat data.

I think these packet compression things will die, as soon as
flat-fee data become standard, as on the high-end in Japan now.


Gerhard Fasol, PhD                         Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
fasol_at_eurotechnology.com               http://www.eurotechnology.com/
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Received on Wed Jun 30 20:30:38 2004