(keitai-l) Re: sperm count

From: Jason Pollard <jasonpollard_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 06/29/04
Message-ID: <20040628215653.59331.qmail@web50710.mail.yahoo.com>
dem lil critters are way too tiny for me to count.  The plumbing still works

--- nick may <nick@kyushu.com> wrote:
> Under the cautious and restrained headline "Mobile phones rot your 
> balls" the Reg carries the following story...
> <quote>Carrying a mobile phone can reduce a man's sperm count by as 
> much as 30 per cent</quote>
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/06/28/mobile_ball_rot/
> (Any male on list care to vouch for this?)
> Nick
> This mail was sent to address jasonpollard@yahoo.com
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