> > The only thing you can almost guarantee people will use is email.
> I don't know what you mean by "almost guarantee". We have the total
> of emails in-going and out-going/users and the data volume/day for all
> of Japan.
> As a hint: on average i-mode users send about 7-10 emails/day.
what I meant was that email (from my experience and the several hundred Japanese
I have contact with) is used by everyone. Therefore I was simply saying that
the Japanese are incredibly comfortable with this as a form of communication on
their phone. Certainly around the 10 emails/day is a figure that I've heard.
After what you said I take back my comments on male/younger users. I know that
web sites are popular with all, but had assumed (wrongly?) that java and
ringtones were more popular with the under 25s.
I think in general though it's tough to talk about i-mode in general as it is a
collection of so many services. I'm sure your statistics are great and
authortative, but I stand by giving some opinion simply because some people
cannot afford the fees to better quality.
Anyway thanks for the pointers.
Received on Thu Jun 24 12:47:20 2004