Lets hope Fujitsu did a much better job at this
Symbian phone than Motorola did with their handset
(A925). I had the misfortune of trying out that device
for a week a few weeks ago, and I have to say it was
the worst mobile phone experience I have had: I had to
re-boot it nearly every time I wanted to turn it on,
and the basic mobile phone and mail functions were not
good. It also sucked up the battery so much that it
barely got one day on standby. Woe be to the carrier
that introduces that kind of support headache to their
Anyone else used any of the Nokia devices?
--- Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani@exsense.com>
> The new FOMA F900iT it is also a Symbian phone:
> http://www.symbian.com/phones/foma_f900it.html
> The big big question is: Can you install
> applications on it?
> I would like to have Opera... But it suppose it is
> locked.
[ excessive quoting removed by moderator ]
Nik Frengle
Mobile: +81-80-3416-3090
Received on Sat Jun 5 06:54:27 2004