(keitai-l) Re: The first FOMA T bluetooth mobiles arrive

From: Eric Bossieux <eric_at_tti-jpn.com>
Date: 06/04/04
Message-ID: <BCE64C8C.C479%eric@tti-jpn.com>
On 4/6/04 14:03, "Kyle Barrow" <kyle@pukupi.com> wrote:

> I believe the first bluetooth mobile in Japan was a Sony on AU which
> coincidentally coincided with the release of the first Bluetooth VAIO.
> We then had years with no bluetooth mobiles until the recent release of
> the 900iTs.

There was a DoCoMo PHS Bluetooth phone that I was planning to buy recently.
But, when I went to buy it, I was told that it had been pulled from the
market. Perhaps the new FOMA Bluetooth phone helped to send it on its way.

I'm still looking for a Bluetooth PHS phone, hopefully something that can be
used on DDI Pocket. But, with KDDI planning on getting rid of this
"step-child", I'll have to wait even longer while the new owners acquaint
themselves with the Japanese market.


Eric Bossieux      eric@tti-jpn.com
phone/fax/voicemail: +813-6644-0434
We've all heard that a million monkeys
banging on a million typewriters will
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Received on Fri Jun 4 09:58:15 2004