(keitai-l) Re: DoCoMo MelodyCall

From: Nik Frengle <nik_at_frengle.org>
Date: 05/29/04
Message-ID: <20040529154506.99493.qmail@web60710.mail.yahoo.com>
One of my colleagues working at Vodafone D2 has this
service turned on, and it quite startled me at first,
the 'did I dial a wrong number' reaction you
described. The interesting thing is that VF D2s
implemantion has this tone for ALL callers to a users
number, not only  those on the same network. As to
musical tastes, this particular colleague's choice of
tone quite surprised me, something by Brittney Spears,
I think. He is a fifty-something, quite staid German
guy, and I didn't expect it. That also made me think
maybe I had the wrong number.  Also a rather
interesting window to his personality, much in the
same way that ring tones are.
> However, without additional communication, people
> remain largely unaware 
> of the service
> and those having knowledge of it remain reluctant
> because of the "what 
> is this music ? did I
> dial a wrong number ?" problem.

> >We have these ringback services in the Philippines
> as well - for some
> >users on the other end of the call this can be
> annoying as hell (i.e.
> >getting William Hung singing offkey instead of a
> busy signal).
> >

Nik Frengle
Mobile: +81-80-3416-3090
Received on Sat May 29 18:45:10 2004