(keitai-l) Re: Premini and other trends

From: <Martyn_Williams_at_idg.com>
Date: 05/17/04
Message-ID: <OF1616CECB.112A3AF7-ON49256E97.00083C3A-49256E97.000878AF@idg.com>

> au/KDDI showed its arrogance by not attending one of the most
> important computer trade shows.  au handsets are in high demand
> and the prices are kept high after many months of introduction,
> which they were not able to do before.

Business Show 2004 pretty much sucked and I'd be surprised if both DoCoMo
and Vodafone were back on the same scale next year. It used to be a pretty
good show but almost all of the major electronics companies have deserted
the show and left it to companies hawking ionizing air clearners, plastic
widgets to stick onto air conditioners, English language schools and other
assorted junk.

So, I don't think it was arrogance at all.

Received on Mon May 17 04:32:39 2004