Got a quick OT question in regards to software and hardware/cables
available to deliver content (in development stages) to handsets thru
data cables rather than a staging environment open to the outside
I am in a hard position as the company I am contracting for now has
VERY tight restrictions on our network, and the hardware solution we
have that parses our html pages and delivers them to handset mobile or
palmtop is behind the firewall... so the only way we can currently test
our content is by hitting an internal IP and custom port.... w/
SO, my question is that using emulators is one way to test, but we want
to also test the content on some mobile phones before we launch... are
there gateways, servers, etc. w/ data cables for each kind of phone, so
we can deliver the test content to the handset hardwired to the desktop
machine (using some data cable)?
I would appreciate any feedback, as I have my hands tied as far as what
software and hardware I can use... If there are solutions that exist to
connect phones using a cable, and we can test the content that way,
that would be the easiest for us to accomplish w/ our security
protocols here at the company...
thanks again!
Jason Fields jason@air-port.com
Information Architecture / User Experience / Mobile Content
343 S. Burnside Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036
+1.310.384.9396 t610 aim: fasonista
Received on Wed May 5 02:09:16 2004