(keitai-l) Re: Doja documents

From: Hyacinth Wognin <wogninh_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 04/23/04
Message-ID: <BAY8-F51HsjCGvseE4D0002fe56@hotmail.com>
Hi Lena,
I'm in the same need, I could only download spec for DoJa 1.5 on
(dont forget to click on accept below the page)

I know that DoJa 2.x and 3.x are available but, it's only in Japanese.

I hope someone helps me to get the english or French one too.


>I need to find serious references, documents or/and books concerning Doja 
>technical developpement in english or french.

[ excessive quoting removed by moderator ]

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Received on Fri Apr 23 20:04:59 2004