There is nothing to "catch up" to. Sure the JSR184/m3g API
is bigger, but that does not mean its better. The API used
here was designed by game developers, for game developers
and feature-wise its a good match for the current
hardware. That is why, like you mentioned, it has become
well established.
In terms of acceptance, its the west that needs to catch
Furthermore, what makes you think east will stand still?
The Japanese mobile hardware and software makers are
working closely to again raise the technology bar - you
will see what I mean very soon =)
>My opinion on Japan: There are established 3D
>technologies already there
>which also makes it hard to change because of the legacy
>content, but I
>think when these new handsets and games are seen in the
>East, Japan will
>have to react to catch up. Of course Japan is a very
>different market to the
>rest of the world, but I can't see it standing still
>whilst the rest of the
>world shoots ahead.
Do You Yahoo!?
Received on Fri Apr 23 12:46:08 2004