(keitai-l) Re: European operators push for DoCoMo-style control over vendors?

From: dc <dc_at_wm.namco.co.jp>
Date: 04/21/04
Message-Id: <20040421120502.256E.DC@wm.namco.co.jp>
>   Now, the real question is: do European/American consumers want phones or smartphones ?
>   Cause this whole debate is moot unless people actually want to do other stuff with their phone than calling and texting.

bubba sez "whats texting?"

JK aside in japan users identify the phone UI with the operator. I might
ask someone how to eg change input method on a toshiba phone and they
will say "oh, dont know how to use docomo" rather than the fact they use
a panasonic... even tho the P UI is kind of standardised across dcmo & vf

btw two of the new FOMA phones (N&P) are sharing a lot of UI code (like
Series60) basically. Unfortunately it looks like the NEC engineers won
out as it looks like their weird text ui, kind of like console output
instead of dialog boxes. Maybe thats why the SH900 is doing so well... 


>   Regards,
>   David
>   This mail was sent to address lister@pikkle.com
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david [dc] collier

Web & Mobile Contents Business Group

  e   |   dc@wm.namco.co.jp
  v   |  +81(0)90 7414 6107
Received on Wed Apr 21 06:14:11 2004