(keitai-l) Re: Keitai email addresses

From: <Martyn_Williams_at_idg.com>
Date: 04/18/04
Message-ID: <OF0F54C23A.B0DFF2D5-ON49256E7A.00230813-49256E7A.0023E83B@idg.com>

In that case then you're probably being blocked by the anti-spam system.
Users can set up their phones to reject certain types of e-mail or accept
e-mail only from certain sources. I'm not sure how the system works but
they can probably add your e-mail address to the filter to allow the
messages through.

I think the "user not found" response is part of the anti-spam measure as
any other message would indicate that the address was a valid e-mail
address (that might be unblocked one day and so a target for future spam).


             Curt Sampson                                                  
             04/18/2004 14:02          keitai-l@appelsiini.net             
             Please respond to                                     Subject 
             keitai-l@appelsii         (keitai-l) Re: Keitai email         
                  ni.net               addresses                           

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 Martyn_Williams@idg.com wrote:

> Cellphones have a regular e-mail address. This isn't SMS or anything. You
> can send an e-mail from (almost) any Internet connected e-mail box just
> like you send to anyone else.

I understand this. (I'm a sysadmin; I've run an ISP; I know a lot about

The point here is that they can block the e-mail from you the same way
anybody else can block e-mail from you.

I've met at least two people using docomo to whom I can send mail from
my phone, but not from my computer. When I start an SMTP session with
docomo's mail server, I get "user not found" in response to my RCPT TO
command, though it is indeed a valid e-mail address.

Curt Sampson  <cjs_at_cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.NetBSD.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC

This mail was sent to address Martyn_Williams@idg.com
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Received on Sun Apr 18 09:34:00 2004